Yard Debris Collection
Composting your yard debris helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve soil quality, reduce the need for chemicals and fertilizers and save water.
Collection Schedule
Customers subscribing to yard debris receive collection every other week year round.
Collection rates
Extra Yard Trimmings
There is a charge for additional units of yard trimmings (no food scraps) beyond the basic service.
Extra yard debris carts are available for a reduced rate.
For yard trimmings that don't fit in your yard cart you may use:
- Paper yard bags (available at home and garden stores), or
- 32-gal. cans with handles & lids (55 lb. limit) labeled "Yard" or
- Bundles tied with sisal twine (4'x2' limit)
- If you have more than an occasional extra bag of yard debris, it would be less expensive to request an extra cart.
* Yard trimmings are not accepted in plastic bags.
Plastic bags are not compostable and cause processing and odor problems at the composting facility.
| Yard Trimmings Discouraged in Garbage |
Options for Disposing of Yard Trimmings:
Compost in your yard (most energy efficient choice!)
Put yard trimmings in a yard debris cart to be collected at the curb ------ (Sign up for yard debris collection.)
Take yard trimmings to a transfer station that accepts "clean green".
