Curbside Garbage

WM carts are required for all collection to make service safer and more efficient.

Remember to place carts at curb the night before your service day.

October 1 - May 31 service begins 6 am.
June 1 - September 30 service begins 5 am.

Please remove all containers from the street as soon as possible after collection.

Container Placement at the Street

Place carts:

  • Three (3) feet apart
  • At least three (3) feet from cars, trees, mailboxes, fences
  • Cart wheels as close to the curb as possible
  • Cart lids opening toward street
    Photo - Waste Management Truck
    When possible, trucks with robotic arms will lift, empty and replace the carts without the drivers leaving the trucks, reducing safety hazards and traffic congestion.

  • Weight Limit 70 Pounds (Overweight containers will not be emptied)
    • Cans, bins, bundles and carts up to 32-gallon size are lifted and emptied by hand. For your safety and the safety of your collectors, please limit each 32-gallon unit to no more than 70 pounds.
    • Larger carts are lifted mechanically, and are limited to 180 pounds.

    Garbage Container Options

    Cart Choices 35, 64, 96 Gallon Carts

    Extra Garbage

    Garbage charges are based on cart size. There is a charge for extra garbage that doesn't fit in your cart with the lid closed. If your garbage cart lid is open more than 6 inches, there will be a charge for extra garbage.

    If you often have extra garbage, you may want to increase your garbage size to avoid overflow and extra garbage charges.

    Bulky Items

    Bulky items like mattresses and furniture can be picked up by special arrangement. For rates or to schedule a pickup email
    WM Customer Service or call 877-466-4668 (M-F 7 am - 5 pm, SAT 9 am - 1 pm).

    Temporary Garbage Services

    Large containers are available for temporary projects such as remodeling and construction. Contact WM Customer Service or 509-662-4591 or 877-466-4668 (M-F 7 am - 5 pm, SAT 9 am - 1 pm).

    WM Northwest

    Click here to download - Collection Guidelines