Effective August 1, 2023

Basic monthly charge for each service includes weekly collection of garbage, yard debris, and recyclables. All services to be collected in roll carts provided by WM.

Yard Debris
Monthly Rate
20 gallon cart
60 gallon cart
60 gallon cart
35 gallon cart
60 gallon cart
60 gallon cart
60 gallon cart
60 gallon cart
60 gallon cart
90 gallon cart
60 gallon cart
60 gallon cart

Additional Weekly Garbage Cart Collection for Residential Accounts

Second 35-gallon cart
Third and additional 35-gallon cart
Second 60-gallon cart
Third and additional 60-gallon cart
Second 90-gallon cart
Third and additional 90-gallon cart

Additional Weekly Recycling or Yard Debris Cart Collection for Residential Accounts

Each additional Recycling Cart
Each additional Yard Debris Cart

Recycling or Yard Debris Contamination Charges for Residential Accounts

Recycling contamination charge
Yard and food waste contamination charge
Cart Sizes
Click here for complete rate information
Complete Rate List - Including Commercial Rates

To start, change or discontinue service, please contact WM Customer Service:

800-808-5901 or WM Customer Service

WM offers an easy way to pay your garbage bill. Click here for more information:

EZ Pay - Click here

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