Yard and Food Waste Collection
 | Composting your yard and food waste helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve soil quality, reduce the need for chemicals and fertilizers and save water. |
Collection Schedule
Food Scraps & Yard Trimmings are collected subscribers every week year round. Food scraps and food-soiled paper go only in the Food/Yard cart provided by WM. Food scraps are not accepted in any other containers.
Food Scraps Accepted in Yard Carts:
Collect kitchen food scraps in containers such as:
- Paper bags
- Approved compostable bags
- A reusable container lined with used paper towels. Empty into Food / Yard cart and reuse.
- Other Kitchen Compost Container Options
- Do not put plastic in your cart.
Extra Yard Trimmings
There is a charge for additional units of yard trimmings (no food scraps) beyond the basic service.
For yard trimmings that don't fit in your yard cart you may use:
Paper yard bags (available at home and garden stores), or
32-gal. cans with handles & lids (65 lb. limit) labeled "Yard" or
Bundles tied with sisal twine (4'x2' limit)
* Yard trimmings are not accepted in plastic bags.
Plastic bags are not compostable and cause processing and odor problems at the composting facility.
