Yard Debris Collection

Yard debris is collected in 95-gallon carts with brown lids.

Yard Debris are picked up on alternating weeks.


All items must be no larger than 4 inches in diameter and 3 feet long.


Grass clippings
Pine needles and cones
Tree and shrub pruning debris
Pumpkins and Christmas trees

Bags (of any kind)
Plastic bags
Food waste or garbage
Dirt, rock, gravel or ashes
Stumps or logs
Animal waste or cat litter
Straw or hay
General Information

Please set out yard debris carts on alternating weeks with your garbage, the night before your pick up day. Remember to set out when full but manageable. Cart lids must close. Due to alternating week pick up, callbacks must be requested in the same week. Charge applies.

Interested in creating healthy soil with your own compost?
Click here to learn more!

Link - Recycling Guidelines

Click here to download - Collection Guidelines

Reduce Food Waste
in Newberg

Did you know that nearly a third of food in the US goes to waste? Reducing food waste is more than just composting your fruit peels, it's an effective way for individuals to fight climate change on a daily basis! Save money and the planet by following these food storage tips, recipes, and food waste reduction tips from WM.

Learn how to save money and protect the environment by reducing food waste