Curbside Recycling
Recycling is collected in 95-gallon carts.
The following items are accepted in your gray-lidded recycling cart.
No need to separate. Please empty recyclables out of bags, boxes and
six-packs, and put them loose in the recycling cart for easier
Recycling Roll
Cart - Paper, Metal, Plastic
Place the following items together in your mixed recycling container.
Clean paper and cardboard
- Newspapers
- Magazines & Catalogs
- Telephone Books
- Paper Bags
- Cereal, cracker & shoe boxes
- Paper egg cartons
- Notebook paper, computer paper, file folders, stationery
- Wrapping paper (No foil, plastic coating or tape)
- Shredded paper (place in a paper bag or paper envelope)
Plastic Bottles and Tubs
- Yogurt-type plastic tubs (6 oz. or larger),
- Rigid plant pots (4 in. or larger)
- Buckets (5 gal or smaller).
- All plastic bottles and plastic jugs.
Clean Metal
- Metal cans. Place the lid inside the can and crimp shut to hold the
lid inside.
- Aluminum foil and trays
- Empty aerosol cans
- Small Scrap Metal Pieces (No larger than 30 inches. Weight limit 30
Recycling on the side
Motor Oil
Put your used motor oil in a one-gallon or smaller see-through container
with a screw cap lid. Empty milk jugs make good oil containers.
Glass Recycling
Sign Up
for Curbside Glass Recycling $3.64 /
Residents of the City of Newberg are able to recycle
glass curbside!
Or, bring glass to one of these locations for recycling.
- Newberg Transfer Station and Recycling Center
2094 Wynooski, Rd. Newberg, OR
- 1st and Everest Depot
1st and Everest St., Newberg, OR
- 11th and Maple Street
Dundee, OR

Waste Reduction Resources in Newberg
Join Newberg in reducing waste. Click this PDF to find a current map of local food pantries,
donation centers, medications drop off centers and more.
