Acceptable Material
MSW and Yard Waste from Apple Maggot Quarantine areas are subject to WSDA and Douglas County regulations. Click here for more information.
Unacceptable Wastes
For information about Hazardous Waste Disposal Click here.
If you have questions or need more information, please e-mail us at landfill@wmnorthwest.com.
Containment Design
The Greater Wenatchee Regional Landfill uses a geo-synthetic clay liner plus a high-density polyethylene liner, built to strict engineering standards. Our doubleliner system protects the environment by ensuring waste is contained and isolated from soil and groundwater. All construction is monitored and documented by independent third-party engineering firms and subject to review and approval by the Chelan-Douglas Health District and the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Groundwater Monitoring
Groundwater is monitored at eight monitoring wells - one upgradient and seven downgradient. Monitoring results are submitted to the Chelan-Douglas Health District and the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Landfill Gas Management
This site has an active gas extraction system, which is managed by flare. Collected landfill gas is routed to a single enclosed flare with a capacity of 2,000 standard cubic feet per minute.
Leachate Collection & Treatment
All waste cells have an automated leachate collection and removal system, which maintains sump levels in accordance with regulatory standards. Leachate is then managed in a double-lined evaporation pond.
Additional Services Provided
Recycling services for asphalt, concrete, heavy plastic, metal and wood.
Waste Approval Process
WM has a defined waste screening protocol for each of its Subtitle D nonhazardous waste facilities to protect both our employees and the environment. For all industrial and special waste streams, the generator or agent must complete a Generator's Non-Hazardous Waste Profile (available online at wmsolutions.com) for review by our technical staff.
Community Partnerships and Involvement
The Greater Wenatchee Regional Landfill is proud to be an active supporter of local school groups and community programs.
Our most significant contribution to the community is our work to improve biodiversity and share 80 acres of endangered "shrub-steppe" habitat as an outdoor learning lab for local high school students.
As a result of our hands-on environmental education and biodiversity work, this site has earned prestigious certification from the Wildlife Habitat Council. Biodiversity projects currently underway include:
- Water for mule deer and native birds: Water is an especially important resource
here because of our location in the "rain shadow" of the Cascade Mountains.
By installing wildlife water guzzlers to provide a constant water supply, we are
supporting native wildlife and bird populations.
- Natural controls for invasive species: We use natural methods to manage unwelcome plants and wildlife. We use the lesser knapweed flower weevil to discourage knapweed. To control starling populations, we have installed nest boxes for American kestrel falcons.