Hillsboro Landfill and Tualatin Valley Dry Waste Recovery are located on the same property at 3205 SE Minter Bridge Road - Hillsboro, Oregon 97123. This allows customers convenient access to recycling and waste disposal. The landfill and recycling center each accept different materials. Please come by during our new, extended hours!

Managing waste to protect the environment and human health is our job.

We have received questions about the role of Hillsboro Landfill for the Portland Harbor Cleanup, and we want the community to have accurate information. Here are the facts:
  • There is no plan for Hillsboro Landfill to accept remediation wastes from Portland Harbor.

  • WM's decision to not accept harbor remediation wastes at Hillsboro Landfill is in keeping with our Do the right thing, the right way approach. Our position is that these remediation wastes and other emerging waste streams require management to a higher environmental standard than household garbage and non-hazardous industrial wastes.

  • WM is working with Oregon DEQ to permit disposal space for these type of wastes at our existing operation in Arlington, Oregon.
If you have questions, please contact our team at pmccart2@wm.com

Click here for the complete document

English | Español
Fire Debris Disposal Information

Please take the following two steps:

  • Register with FEMA - Click here
  • Contact your insurance agent
For disposal of wildfire debris please call WM Builders Direct at 800-963-4050 7 am - 5 pm Monday through Friday.

Due to the potential of hazardous material or asbestos, we strongly recommend you do not clear the debris yourself and attempt to self-haul to the landfill.

Our Oregon transfer stations are not accepting wildfire debris.

Complete Details / Detalles Completos

NOTICE - All construction, renovation and demolition debris loads must comply with DEQ asbestos rules and regulations.

The Oregon DEQ requires an asbestos survey by an accredited inspector for all renovation or demolition projects on commercial properties and for renovation or demolition projects on residential properties for buildings constructed prior to January 1, 2004. More information is available on the DEQ Asbestos Website.

Construction, renovation and demolition materials must receive approval PRIOR to arriving at the facility. Click here for required acceptance process.

Hillsboro Landfill

Hillsboro Landfill provides customers with professional, safe and convenient disposal services. The landfill is engineered with overlapping environmental protection systems that meet or exceed EPA Subtitle D Solid Waste Disposal Facility regulations. Systems include engineered liners and covers, leachate collection and removal, and landfill gas collection and control. This "special purpose" landfill accepts a variety of material for disposal, however it does not accept putrescible waste (i.e. food waste), or hazardous waste. Hillsboro Landfill is permitted to accept and solidify free liquids by permit/appointment only.

Operation Hours:

Monday - Friday | 6 am - 4 pm
Saturday | 8 am - 12 pm

Packaged Asbestos and ACM

Dump Vehicles
Monday - Friday | 8 am - 11 am and 12 pm - 2 pm
Saturday, Sunday | Closed

Hand Unload
Monday - Friday | 8 am - 11 am and 12 pm - 4 pm
Saturday, Sunday | Closed

Monday - Friday | 8 am - 4 pm

Hillsboro Landfill Rates

Waste from within
Portland Metro Boundaries

Waste from outside
Portland Metro Boundaries

Acceptable Material

  • Asbestos - Friable / Non-Friable
  • Auto Shredder Waste
  • Clean & Contaminated Soil
  • Drummed Waste with Solids
  • Industrial Process Waste
  • Liquid Wastes (for solidification only)
  • Lathe and Plaster
  • Dry Waste Material Recovery Residuals
  • Sludges
Unacceptable Wastes

All construction, renovation and demolition debris loads must comply with DEQ asbestos rules and regulations.

The Oregon DEQ now requires an owner or operator to have an accredited inspector perform an asbestos survey before renovation or demolition of any commercial property and for renovation or demolition projects on residential properties for buildings constructed prior to January 1, 2004. More information is available on the DEQ Asbestos Website.

Click here to download - The Asbestos Disposal Rules

Disposal Requirements for
Asbestos-Containing Waste Material

- Click here

Packaged Asbestos & ACM:

Dump Vehicles
Monday - Friday | 8 am - 11 am and 12 pm - 2 pm

Hand Unload
Monday - Friday | 8 am - 11 am and 12 pm - 4 pm

The weight limit for asbestos bags is 40lbs. You must be able to offload your bags without breeching or tearing them.

All customers that deliver asbestos need to complete an ASN-4 Form.
Click here to download the form

Monday - Friday | 8 am - 4 pm

Need bags and labels?

Hillsboro Landfill now offers the following items:

  • Asbestos Bags - $2.50 per bag
  • Duct Tape - $ 20.00 per roll
  • Labels (printed with customer info) -
    $0.30 per label

    If you use your own labels -
    they must be at least 3 by 5 inches in size.

  • Acceptance Procedures for
    Construction, Renovation & Demolition Wastes

    To protect the health and safety of our employees and customers, all loads of construction, renovation and demolition waste are screened before, during and after unloading for materials that may contain asbestos.

    Click here to determine if your construction, renovation) and demolition debris contains materials that commonly contain asbestos in concentrations greater than 1%.

    Now Accepting Liquid Waste

    Hillsboro Landfill now accepts liquids for solidification and disposal Monday through Friday. Advanced scheduling is required. Please call us at 503-640-9427 for additional information.


    New Years Eve - 6 am - 12 pm
    New Years Day - Closed
    July 4th - Closed
    Labor Day - 6 am - 12 pm
    Thanksgiving Day - Closed
    December 24 - 6 am - 12 pm
    December 25 - Closed

    Payment Methods:

    Cash, Business Checks (No Personal Checks), Visa, Mastercard and Debit Cards (with Visa and Mastercard logos)

    Pay your Hillsboro Landfill Disposal Account On-Line with the WM ezPay Program! All you have to do is click this icon:

    Click here to download - The Fact Sheet

    EZ Pay - Click here


    TSC Portland
    7227 NE 55th Avenue
    Portland, OR 97218

    Tualatin Valley Waste Recovery

    This ultra-green recycling facility provides businesses and the community with professional sorting and recovery services that dramatically reduce landfill waste. The Tualatin Valley Waste Recovery (TVWR) facility repurposes construction and demolition debris as part of a regional effort to achieve aggressive waste reduction goals.

    Our state-of-the-art recovery center conforms to Portland Metro EDWRP regulations and can help you reach your sustainability goals and LEED certification. Processing approximately 400 tons per day, dry material is sorted on two assembly lines, which separate plastic, wood, metal, cardboard, paper and asphalt shingles. Most of this material is sent to local recycling markets for reuse. Wood is ground on-site and then reprocessed into "hogged fuel," creating steam for energy. Asphalt shingles are reused to create road base on-site. TVWR has a current recovery rate of about 40%. This facility is also a model for WM programs nationwide as the company partners with businesses and local governments to divert materials from landfills and turn waste streams into value streams.

    Operation Hours:

    Monday - Friday | 6 am - 4 pm
    Saturday | 8 am - 12 pm

    Sunday | Closed

    Monday - Friday | 8 am - 4 pm

    TVWR Rates

    LEED Gold Certified Building

    TVWR was built in 2009 and awarded LEED Gold Certification. The building's unique design incorporates innovative features, which save energy and resources including:

    • Interior lighting has motion control sensors and timers to minimize electrical usage

    • A translucent roof allows for natural lighting and energy savings

    • Rainwater is harvested into a 140,000 gallon tank and reused for cleaning, dust control and fire suppression

    • Fresh air constantly circulates through the facility to protect air quality
    Residential Drop-Off Area

    Our residential drop-off area is open to the public. We accept commingled dry waste or separated recyclable material from household projects and clean ups including; wood, metal, concrete, cardboard newspaper, magazines, batteries, motor oil, carpet pad, rigid plastics, glass, tin, yard debris, tires, electronics and white goods.

    Acceptable Material

    • Corrugated Cardboard
    • Motor Oil
    • White Goods
    • E-waste
    • Clean Soil
    • Newspaper
    • Wood
    • Concrete
    • Plastic bottles and tubs #1,2 and 5 ONLY
    • Yard Waste

    Unacceptable Wastes

    Additional Services Provided

    • LEED documentation for construction and demolition projects
    • Certified documentation of receiving non-hazardous waste for destruction & disposal
    For information about Hazardous Waste Disposal Click here.

    If you have questions or need more information, please e-mail us at landfill@wmnorthwest.com.


    New Years Eve - 6 am - 12 pm
    New Years Day - Closed
    July 4th - Closed
    Labor Day - 6 am - 12 pm
    Thanksgiving Day - Closed
    December 24 - 8 am - 12 pm
    December 25 - Closed

    Click here to download - The Fact Sheet

    English | Español

    TSC Portland
    7227 NE 55th Avenue
    Portland, OR 97218


    Click here to download - The Safety Rules