Rates and Billing Information

Preventing waste shrinks garbage!

Garbage rates are based on container size. Your Recycling Guide outlines many ways to reduce waste, such as:
  • Buying durable items
  • Donating used clothing
  • Using your recycle cart
  • Putting food scraps and food-soiled paper in your food/yard cart
Be the first on your block to downsize your garbage!
Typical weekly garbage service needs for recycling homes:

  • 1 - 4 people: One 35-gal. garbage cart (19" wide, 24" deep, 38" high)
  • 5 - 8 people: One 64-gal. garbage cart (24" wide, 32" deep, 42" high)
  • 9 - 12 people: One 96-gal. garbage cart (26" wide, 35" deep, 43" high)

Kitsap County Curbside Collection Rates - Effective January 1, 2025
- Price / Month
Curbside Garbage
WM Cart (including cart repair and/or replacement)
One 35-gal. WM garbage cart emptied monthly $7.84
One 35-gal. WM garbage cart emptied every other week $11.48
One 64-gal. WM garbage cart emptied every other week $16.20
One 35-gal. WM garbage cart weekly $17.02
One 64-gal. WM garbage cart weekly $21.81
One 96-gal. WM garbage cart weekly $28.85
Extra garbage (one bag or 32-gallon can) $4.08 ea
Curbside Recycling (Automatically provided with garbage)
One 96-gallon blue-lidded recycling cart every other week $7.40
One 64-gallon blue-lidded recycling cart every other week $7.40
One 35-gallon blue-lidded recycling cart every other week $7.40
Additional 64-gallon blue-lidded recycling cart every other week $1.40 each
Extra Recycling - Place additional recyclables in a 32-gallon or smaller container that protects material from loss or weather conditions, and set out on the normal collection day, at no extra charge.
Curbside Compost Collection
One 96-gal. green-lidded compost cart every other week in eligible areas $8.47
Additional 96-gal. green-lidded compost cart every other week $5.60
Extra Compost in heavy paper bags, bundles or rigid 32-gal. cans
(Food waste accepted only in WM cart)

* When recyclables are sold the profit is rebated back to the customer to lower your bill.

  • Rates above are monthly. However, invoices are mailed every three months, so charges on invoices are for three months service.
  • Listed rates do not include applicable city, county or state taxes.

    EZ Pay - Click here WM offers an easy way to pay your garbage bill online.
    More Billing Information