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Commercial Food Waste

Food waste collection is now available through WM as a subscription service for Gresham businesses, schools, and assisted living facilities.

Why compost?

Did you know that up to 30% of commercial garbage is composed of food and compostable material?

The Oregon Metro regional government requires many businesses across the region to collect food waste. By March 31, 2023, businesses that generate 1,000 pounds or more of food waste per week (approximately four full 60-gallon roll carts) must separate food scraps for composting or donation. Businesses that generate 500 pounds or more of food waste per week (approximately two full 60-gallon roll carts) must begin compost collection by September 30, 2023, and businesses that generate 250 pounds or more of food waste per week (approximately one 60-gallon roll cart) must begin by September 30, 2024.

WM is ready to help your business reduce food waste through compost collection. Instead of sending food waste to a landfill, our service turns it into nutrient-rich compost.
  • Only collect Food Waste.
    • Do not collect: liquids, paper products, packaging, or anything that is not food.
    • Do not collect compostable packaging and utensils.

  • Transparent and semi-transparent BPI-certified compostable bags will be the only non-food accepted items. The BPI website - bpiworld.org - provides links to vendors of these products.
WM service includes a collection container sized to fit your needs and all the information you need to make collection convenient at your location.

Free Assistance for New Compost Customers

All businesses are eligible for free starter kits that include everything your business needs to kickoff compost collection, including:
  • Free indoor collection containers
  • Educational posters and decals
  • Staff training and assistance
Businesses participating in this growing trend are recognized in the Gresham community for their efforts in environmental stewardship. Talk to a City of Gresham Specialist to find out how. Visit the City of Gresham's website or contact the City of Gresham at recycle@GreshamOregon.gov or 503-618-2525.

Visit the Metro website for more information about the new guidelines, start up kits, and assistance for your business. Call Metro's Recycling Information Center at 503-234-3000.

Sign up for Compost Service

To sign up for compost collection or if you would like additional information, please contact WM Customer Service at pnwcmservices@wm.com or call 800-808-5901.

Click here to download - Food Waste Guidelines

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