WM Northwest
Supercycler Pledge
Take the Supercycler Pledge
and Sign up for the quarterly newsletter!

Place your left hand over your heart, hold up your right hand and repeat the following:

I, (your name), hereby pledge to reduce food waste.

    I will:

  • Place all food scraps including meat, seafood, dairy, fruit, vegetables, shells, bones, pasta, rice, eggshells, nutshells, bread, grains and leftovers in my curbside yard & food cart.

  • Place yard debris including plants and flowers, grass clippings, shrubs, branches, weeds, jack-o-lanterns and natural holiday trees in my curbside yard & food cart.

  • Place food-soiled paper like greasy delivery pizza boxes, coffee filters (and coffee grounds), soiled paper bags, kitchen paper towels and paper napkins in my curbside yard & food cart.
