WM Northwest
Commercial Rates for Clackamas County

  • Miscellaneous Service Rates - Click here
    Clackamas County - Commercial Urban Rates

    1. The use of a cart and the type of customer using a cart for commercial waste collection services shall be at the discretion of the collector.
    Clackamas County - Commercial Rural Rates

    1. The use of a cart and the type of customer using a cart for commercial waste collection services shall be at the discretion of the collector.

    Clackamas County - Commercial Distant Rural Rates

    1. The use of a cart and the type of customer using a cart for commercial waste shall be at the discretion of the collector.

    Clackamas County - Commercial Mountain Rates

    For specific information on rates or to establish, change or discontinue service please contact WM Customer Service at WM Customer Service or 800-808-5901.

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