Residential Yard+Food Waste Collection

WM Northwest Composting your yard and food waste helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve soil quality, reduce the need for chemicals and fertilizers and save water.

Containers out by 7 am

Collection times may vary as routing schedules change, and so it is very important to have all containers at the street by 7 am. We appreciate your cooperation.

Place carts out by 7 am or no earlier than 24 hours before collection day.

Place 2 feet apart with lids opening toward the street.

Place 3 feet from obstructions such as cars, trees, fences, mailboxes.

Where available, place your carts in grass planter strips between the curb and sidewalk.

Where grass planter strips are not available, place carts out in such a way that does not restrict the reasonable and safe use of the street, sidewalk, or bicycle lanes by pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobiles.

Remove carts from public property no later than 24 hours after your collection day.

Collection Schedule

Yard trimmings are prohibited from garbage containers. Yard trimmings create extra landfill expense but can provide nutritious compost and mulch if composted.

WM Yard+food waste service is available on a subscription basis and is collected weekly on your garbage day. See Yard+Food Waste Container Options & Rates below. To sign up for service, contact WM Customer Service or 253-939-9792.

Yard+Food Waste Container Options & Rates

Yard+Food Waste containers are offered in 35, 64, and 96-gallon sizes. Click here for Rates.

Kraft type yard bags

Extra Yard Trimmings

Yard trimmings collected in excess of your current monthly service level (lid must be closed) will incur extra charges.

Put extra yard debris (NO food) in:

Paper yard bags (available at home and garden stores), or
35-gal. cans with handles & lids (65 lb. limit) labeled "Yard" or
Bundles tied with sisal twine (4'x2' limit)

Extra yard waste must be labeled "Yard Waste".

NO plastic bags or food in extra compostables containers. Plastic bags are not compostable and cause processing and odor problems at the composting facility.

Food Scraps Accepted in Yard Carts:

Collect kitchen food scraps in containers such as:
  • Paper bags
  • Approved compostable bags
  • A reusable container lined with used paper towels. Empty into Food / Yard cart and reuse.
  • Other Kitchen Compost Container Options or order a free container from the City of Auburn while supplies last.
  • Do not put plastic in your cart.

FREE Organics Kitchen Container:

Kitchen containers are available while supplies last at:

City of Auburn
Customer Service Center - Utility Counter
One East Main Street
Auburn WA 98001

You must be a City of Auburn/Waste Management compostables subscriber to participate in food waste recycling and receive a kitchen container - Details.

WM Northwest

Yard Trimmings Prohibited in Garbage

Yard trimmings are prohibited from garbage containers. Yard trimmings create extra landfill expense, but can provide nutritious compost and mulch if composted.

Options for Disposing of Yard Trimmings:

Compost in your yard (most energy efficient choice!)

Take yard trimmings to a King County Transfer Station that accepts "clean green".

Put yard trimmings in a yard+food waste cart to be collected at the curb.

  • For questions about what is accepted in recycling colletion, please email
  • To sign up for service, please contact WM Customer Service or 253-939-9792.

  • WM Northwest

    Click here to download -  - Yard+Food Waste Guidelines