Curbside Recycling

Please NOTE - all residential recycling is Every Other Week

By recycling you are helping to save energy, reduce water pollution, reduce water consumption, preserve natural resources and create jobs.

Your recycling bin is collected every week on garbage day. All recycling must fit in your cart with the lid closed. Extra charges will apply for material left outside or on top of your cart. For occasional extra recycling, use a cardboard box or personal can and label it "Recycle". No plastic bags accepted. Additional recycle carts are also available for an extra charge.

Help ensure recyclables have a second life by ONLY putting recyclables pictured above in your recycle cart. Non-recyclable items in your cart may be subject to a contamination charge.

Collection Rates

Recycling Tips

  • Empty clean recyclables out of bags and boxes and put them loose in your cart so that they can be easily identified and sorted at the recycling center. Clean paper bags and cardboard boxes are recyclable. Just put them in your cart after you empty them. Recyclables in plastic bags may be mistaken for garbage at the sorting center.

  • NO plastic bags in recycling. (Reuse or recycle at grocery stores) - Plastic bags get caught in conveyor belts at the recycling center.

  • NO shredded paper in recycling. Because of its size, shredded paper is difficult to sort from other recyclables.

  • Empty, clean, and loose. These three words can greatly improve the quality of recyclables placed in your cart. You can do this by rinsing out recyclables and placing empty containers directly in your cart loose, not in a plastic bag. Learn more about how you can Recycle Right - Click here.

Recycling Questions

For tough recycling questions, please email them to and we can provide guidance based on your specific area.

WM Blue Recycling Cart

Click here to download - Collection Guidelines

Click here to download - Recycling FAQs