Apartments and Condominiums
And it's convenient! - Waste Management collects recyclables together and sorts them at the recycling plant, making it more convenient for residents to recycle.
Let our team help you promote recycling success in your apartment or condo complex!
Regardless of the size of your complex we can create a custom waste pickup program that meets your
needs and helps protect the environment.
Missed Collection / Blocked Containers
Waste Management is dedicated to meeting all of our customers' needs efficiently and promptly. If your
collection has been missed, we want to know about it!
We ask customers to keep containers unblocked (parked cars, overflow material, locked gates, etc.) so
that we can empty and replace them in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, we are sometimes unable to
empty containers because they are blocked and our driver can't access them. Waste Management makes
every effort to contact customers to let them know when a container is blocked.
- If a driver finds a container blocked, he will call Dispatch.
- Dispatch will contact the customer while the driver waits up to 4 minutes for access before
moving on with the route.
- If Dispatch reaches the customer, they will ask the customer to clear access and arrange for
later collection if necessary.
- If Dispatch is unable to contact the customer, they will leave a message explaining the
circumstances, and ask the customer to call Customer Service to schedule another collection. Extra
service charges may apply.
If your container(s) were accessible on your collection day and were not emptied, Waste Management is
very sorry for the inconvenience. Call 877-466-4668 (M-F 7 am - 7 pm, SAT 9 am - 1 pm) . We will empty
missed containers as soon as possible after they have been reported.
If notified by Noon, Monday through Friday, we will usually be able to collect missed containers on
the same day. Otherwise, collection shall occur on the next business day.
More Information
Please email Waste Management Customer Service or call 877-466-4668 (M-F 7 am - 5 pm, SAT 9 am - 1 pm)
for more information.
