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Curbside Recycling

Please have your recycling roll cart & bins (when applicable) curbside by 6 am on your service day.

Your 96 gallon recycling cart will be emptied weekly. As of September 2022, your 14 gallon glass-only bin is collected every other week on your regular collection day.
Click here to download - Glass & Motor oil Guidelines

Click here to download - Battery Recycling at the Curb

WM Northwest

Mixed Recycling Cart

Place the following items together in your mixed recycling container


Egg cartons, cereal and shoe boxes, junk mail, phone books, magazine, newspapers, paper rolls, cartons (flatten cardboard, place shredded and small paper scraps in a paper bag).


Bottles, jars, jugs and tubs, 6 oz. or larger; rigid nursery pots, 4" across or larger, buckets.


Clean steel, aluminum and tin cans with lids; clean aluminum foil, trays and plates; small scrap metal. Metal items under 30 lbs. and less than 30 inches.

DO NOT put in your cart
  • Motor oil bottles or containers that have come in contact with pesticides or herbicides.
  • Plastic lids, trays, toys, or bags
  • Foam takeout containers, or food soiled papers.
WM Northwest Recycling

Recycling on the side


Mix all colors. Labels OK.
Do not include light bulbs, window glass, vases or drinking glasses.

Motor Oil

Put your used motor oil in a one-gallon or smaller plastic see-through container with a screw cap lid. Empty milk jugs make good oil containers.


AAA to D size alkaline and heavy duty
6-volt & 9-volt lantern type
Button batteries
Rechargeable batteries
Battery packs (NiCad, NiMh, & Lithium Ion)
Not Accepted

Car batteries
Lead-acid batteries

Place batteries in zip-sealed plastic bag and leave on top of the glass container for recycling. Except for AAA - D size batteries, please ensure to use clear tape to cover both ends of the batteries at time of recycling.

WM Northwest

Beyond Curbside Recycling

For recycling options for materials not collected curbside, visit or call 503-234-3000 to find a recycler near you.

If you have any questions, please contact WM Customer Service at 800-808-5901 or e-mail us at WM Customer Service.

Recycle+ Tigard

Recycle+ is a new residential collection service offered by garbage and recycling haulers. Recycle+ is an optional service to recycle materials not included in weekly recycling collection. Residents who choose this service are charged a monthly base fee and collection pick-up fee.

In addition to current curbside recycling, you may participate in Recycle+ to recycle a range of materials and products:

Recycle+ items for collection 1. Plastic film/bags
  • Produce bags
  • Plastic bags
  • Dry cleaning bags
  • Plastic padded envelopes (no padded manila envelopes)
  • Plastic overwrap for paper towels, paper plates, napkins, etc.
2. Clear plastic #1 clamshell containers
  • Fruit containers
  • Bakery containers
  • Take-out containers
3. Textiles
  • Clothing
  • Bed linens
  • Towels/rags
4. Compact fluorescent lightbulbs
  • Compact fluorescent bulbs must be contained in a zip-sealed bag prior to placing in your WM provided bag. This protects workers from mercury exposure should bulbs get broken during handling.

  • Long fluorescent tubes used in commercial lighting are not accepted

How to participate

  1. Subscribe to Recycle+.

  2. WM will deliver a lidded 18-gallon purple bin and four clear plastic bags on your upcoming comingle service day.

  3. Put acceptable materials in the plastic bags provided by WM, and place them in your lidded 18-gallon purple bin. Note: Each material must be in its own plastic bag, please do not place different materials in the same bag. Compact fluorescent bulbs must be contained in a zip-sealed bag prior to placing in your WM provided bag.

    Recycling+ Container
  4. Schedule an on-call pick-up with WM. Note: Customers must schedule their pick-up at least two days in advance.

  5. Place lidded 18 gallon purple bin out to be serviced on your scheduled day.

  6. WM will collect the bagged materials and replace the clear plastic bags for future collection.


Recycle+ charges include a monthly base charge of $2.50 per month,
and a pick-up charge every time it is emptied.

Description of Service
Recycle+ monthly base charge
$ 2.50 per month
Recycle+ on-call curbside pick-up
$ 9.25 per pick-up

Curbside is defined as within five feet of a public or private road. Place your bin out by 6 a.m. on your Recycle+ collection day.

Preparing Materials

  • You will receive a purple Recycle+ bin and plastic bags from WM.

  • Separate all materials by type, put the materials in the plastic bags provided, and place the bags in your purple Recycle+ bin. Make sure the container lid can close completely to keep materials dry.

  • Why plastic bags? Each category of items needs to be kept separate and dry during collection. The plastic bags will be recycled once materials arrive at their final destination.

  • Tip: To ensure materials are collected, make sure items are clean, sorted and bagged. Wet materials cannot be recycled.

Click here for details

WM Northwest

Click here to download - Collection Guidelines