Social Media
A social media presence has increasingly become more important in reaching and communicating
with customers. In 2014, the Waste Management team focused on identifying
social media opportunities and developing a structure for outreach. The team coordinated
with Waste Management's national social media team to identify opportunities to share
content. At the regional level, Waste Management developed a plan and editorial calendar
for a blog; created a recommended structure, content and posting schedule for Robin
Freedman's (WM's Senior Communications Manager) Twitter account; and conducted a
social media training session to guide future efforts. Social media was also integrated in
the various RSA tasks, such as building a following and posting consumer tips and photos
from community events.

Advertising Matrix
To enable Waste Management to evaluate which advertising medium is
most effective for reaching WUTC residents and the Waste Management team developed a
strategic advertising matrix. The matrix includes sample objectives such as
education, raising awareness and encouraging incentive uptake. Each sample
objective was evaluated against a variety of advertising mediums such
as online, outdoor, and television - the matrix outlines the pros and cons of
each advertising medium. Waste Management is also considering developing
a similar matrix for Spanish outreach campaigns.