Please contact us if you would like further information on our programs, activities or events.
Waste Management: Jackie Lang, Senior Manager for Communications
Mobile: 503-705-0007
Snohomish County:
Sego Jackson
Principal Planner
King County:
Gerty Coville
Project Manager
Thank you for your interest in the 2013 Waste Management Puget Sound RSA
Report. The work you'll see featured on this site was done as part of the Recycling
and Commodity Revenue Sharing Plan between WM and King and Snohomish Counties
in Washington State.
The Plan is negotiated between Snohomish and King Counties and WM annually. The
Plan outlines areas of collaboration between the three entities that have resulted in
innovative projects and programs with the goal of raising residential recycling rates
in areas of the counties regulated by the Washington Utilities and Transportation
Commission (WUTC).
Each section of this website begins with a general introduction of the work completed
within the categories of community outreach, multifamily recycling research,
food and yard waste campaigns, public space recycling pilot programs, curbside
recycling promotion and the WM recycling behavior study. Within each section you
will find project-specific goals, results of the activities for the year, conclusions and
samples of the supporting materials and documents developed for each task.
